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Fun Things to Do With Your Dog This Summer

August 1, 2019

Summer is here! Tails are wagging all over the country as our canine pals head outdoors to enjoy some fun in the sun. Why not make this summer extra special for Fido? Below, a Brampton, ON vet offers some suggestions for your summer to-do list.

Enjoy a Snack

Treats are definitely on the list of Fido’s favorite things. While your pup will no doubt be perfectly happy with one of his usual snacks, if you really want to pamper him, try something new. Doggy ice cream is a good bet: you can find it in many grocery markets and pet stores. Or, you can make your furry pal some yummy homemade treats.


Playing is of course really fun for Fido. It’s also good for him! Pick up a new toy for your canine friend, and then indulge him with a fun play session. This is a great way for you both to get outdoors and enjoy some fresh air and sunlight!

Learn Something New

Does your dog know basic commands, like Sit, Stay, Come, Heel, and Lay Down? If not, take time to work on these basics. Once your furry buddy has mastered these, you can move on to advanced commands. Or, just show your pooch some cute tricks.


Man’s Best Friend is very curious, and has a healthy sense of adventure. Indulge Fido’s taste for exploration, and take him somewhere new. Visiting a pet-safe park or checking out a new trail is bound to get that cute tail going!

Take Some Pictures

The time we have with our furry companions often passes much too quickly. Get some good photos of Fido this summer. (Tip: the light is best at dawn and dusk, when it has a natural golden look.)

Splash Around

If Fido likes swimming, take him to a local pet-friendly swimming hole. Or, you can just let him splash around in a kiddie pool. (Hint: this may be a good time to get some of those pictures!)


Life can get pretty hectic in this day and age. One thing pets are good at is reminding us to relax and slow down and just recuperate. Spend a lazy summer afternoon with Fido, just hanging around the house.

Our Tips for Fun Things to Do With Your Dog This Summer in 2024

What are the signs of heat exhaustion or heatstroke in dogs?

Signs of heat exhaustion or heatstroke in dogs include excessive panting, drooling, reddened gums, and lethargy. Additional symptoms can include vomiting, diarrhea, uncoordinated movements, and collapse. In severe cases, a dog may exhibit seizures or lose consciousness. These symptoms arise from overheating, which can cause serious bodily harm or even be fatal. Immediate steps to cool the dog down are crucial, such as moving them to a shaded area, providing water to drink, and applying cool water to their body. Veterinary attention should be sought urgently if heatstroke is suspected.

Are there any specific summer hazards (like certain plants or insects) that dog owners should be aware?

During summer, dog owners should be vigilant about specific hazards such as toxic plants, including sago palm, azaleas, and oleander, which can be lethal if ingested. Insects like ticks, fleas, and mosquitoes can transmit diseases, so preventive treatments are essential. Additionally, bees and wasps could pose a risk, particularly to curious dogs who may disturb them. It’s also important to monitor for signs of heatstroke and ensure pets do not consume fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides that homeowners frequently use during warmer months. Regular checks during and after outdoor activities help maintain safety.

What precautions should be taken for dogs with short snouts or thick coats during hot weather?

Dogs with short snouts, like Bulldogs and Pugs, and those with thick coats are particularly vulnerable to heat. Precautions include limiting outdoor activity to cooler parts of the day, such as early morning or evening, and ensuring access to shade and plenty of fresh water. These dogs should stay in air-conditioned environments during peak heat times. Overexertion should be avoided, and they should not be left in parked cars. Additionally, cooling vests or mats can help manage body temperature, and regular grooming can alleviate discomfort from thick fur.

How can owners ensure their dogs stay properly hydrated during summer outings?

To ensure proper hydration for dogs during summer outings, owners should always carry fresh, cool water and a collapsible bowl. Offering water to the dog frequently, especially before, during, and after physical activity, is crucial. It’s advisable to encourage the dog to drink even if they do not appear thirsty. Owners should also plan outings during cooler times of the day and include frequent rest breaks in shaded areas to prevent overheating. Watching for signs of dehydration, such as dry gums and excessive panting, is also essential for timely intervention.

How can owners protect their dogs’ paws from hot pavement or sand during summer walks?

Owners can protect their dogs’ paws from hot pavement or sand during summer walks by using protective booties that shield the pads from direct heat. Alternatively, applying a paw protectant balm can provide a barrier against rough surfaces and high temperatures. It’s essential to test the pavement with the back of the hand; if it’s too hot to touch for five seconds, it’s too hot for a dog’s paws. Planning walks during cooler times of the day, such as early morning or late evening, also helps avoid the heat.

Please contact us, your Brampton, ON vet clinic, for all of your pet’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!