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Microchipping Pets: Key Information

Has your pet been microchipped? If not, we suggest getting this done ASAP.  Microchips are tiny, but they create a vital—and potentially lifesaving—connection between you and your beloved furry companion. Continue reading this article from a Brampton, ON veterinarian to…

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Disaster Preparation Tips For Pet Owners

The first week of May is Disaster Preparedness Week here in Canada. While this awareness event is aimed at people, it’s also something that is very highly relevant to pets. While we hope that none of you ever have to…

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Keeping Your Kitty Happy, Healthy, And Purring 

Are you a new cat owner? Congratulations! Kitties are not only cute but also incredibly charming, entertaining, and full of purrsonality… not to mention absolutely hilarious. While Fluffy is a very easy keeper, there are a few dos and don’ts…

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It’s Bull Terrier Day!

Today, April 1st, we celebrate a rare and lovely dog: the Bull Terrier. This loyal, sociable, and always amusing dog has been around for nearly 200 years! In this post, a veterinarian from Springdale ON will shine the spotlight on…

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Ways To Show Your Cat Respect

March 28 is a pretty big day for Fluffy: it’s Respect Your Cat Day! Of course, if you were to ask your feline overlord how best to show her respect, she may very well demand massive temples, statues, stocked fishponds,…

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Fun Bird Facts from A Brampton, ON Veterinarian.

Did you know that birds rank fourth among America’s favorite pets? Of course, Fido and Fluffy are first and second, with fish coming in third. The American Veterinary Medical Association estimates that there are more than 7.5 million pet birds…

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