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How to Build an Emergency Medical Kit for Your Pet

September 15, 2018

You just never know when a pet emergency might strike—that’s why it’s best to be prepared ahead of time! One of the best ways to do that is with an emergency kit. Below, your Brampton, ON vet tells you how to get started.

First-Aid Essentials

Of course, most of your pet’s emergency kit will be comprised of first-aid items. Include gauze, bandages, adhesive tape, a styptic powder or pen to staunch bleeding, a pet-safe disinfectant, a pet thermometer, tweezers, nail clippers, scissors, a few soft towels, and several pairs of latex gloves to protect your hands. Talk with your veterinary professional to find out about more first-aid items that may be helpful to include.

Pet Meds

Does your pet take medications to treat or manage a condition? It’s important to pack a supply of these medications in your emergency kit, since you just never know when your pet might need them. If your pet’s medications expire, be sure to check the dates regularly and replace the meds if necessary.

Ask your veterinarian for more details on the proper storage conditions for your particular pet’s medications.

Medical Records

It’s easy to overlook medical records as an essential part of an emergency kit, but they are just that. Should you have to evacuate your home and take your pet to an unfamiliar veterinarian’s office, rescue facility, or shelter, medical records can be lifesaving documents! In a waterproof bag, include proof of ownership, records of vaccinations, and documentation of any recent medical work your pet has had done or chronic conditions they manage. You may also want to include a recent photograph of your pet in the event they get lost.

Long-Term Supplies

Natural disasters, public health issues, and other problems could cause you and your pet to stay away from home for an extended period of time. It may be wise to include a few long-term supplies—canned food and water, a can opener, blankets, a leash, toys, etc.—in your emergency kit to be safe. This way, you can easily put the kit in your car to take it with you, and you will have everything you need to keep your pet comfortable until you can return home. Talk to your vet to find out more about long-term pet supplies for your emergency kit.

Does your companion need vaccinations, pest-control medications, or an examination? Call your Brampton, ON veterinarian today!