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4 Common Cat Care Mistakes

July 15, 2017

Did you know that as many as 35 percent of Canadian households have kitties? Fluffy certainly has many wonderful qualities that have made her such a popular pet. She’s not only super cute and cuddly, she’s also very clean and easy to care for. However, although our feline friends have a reputation for being independent, they do need good care in order to thrive. Read on as a local Springdale, ON vet lists some common cat care mistakes.

Lack of Veterinary Care

Most cats should be examined at least once a year, though some kitties will need more frequent visits. We strongly recommend that all of our feline patients be microchipped and spayed or neutered. It’s also important to keep up with Fluffy’s vaccinations and parasite control. At home, watch for signs of sickness. Some of the common ones are hiding, poor grooming, vomiting, litterbox issues, and changes in behavior or vocalization. Ask your vet for specific advice.


We know, Fluffy isn’t always purrfect. Your cute little buddy may claw your sofa, leave fur on your clothes, or even pounce on your toes. However, you should never punish your feline pal for her transgressions. Most of your furball’s behavior is based on instinct, so there’s a good chance that your kitty won’t understand that she did something wrong. Instead, focus on teaching Fluffy proper petiquette by rewarding her with praise, treats, and toys for being good.

Letting Fluffy Roam

Kitties are very curious little furballs, and they really love to explore. However, even if Fluffy enjoys sniffing around your flowerbeds, she’ll be better off staying indoors, where she will be safe from cars, predators, and other dangers. Cats that are allowed outdoors have much higher risks of getting lost, hurt, or even killed. They are also more likely to pick up parasites.

Lack of Entertainment

Cats are clearly very, very good at doing as little as possible. Your furball may be purrfectly happy to spend her day snoozing. However, kitties can and do get bored without enough stimulation. Fluffy will become unhappy and restless with nothing to do! Make sure your kitty has plenty of fun toys and kitty furniture, and offer her at least one comfy napping spot with a good window view.

Our Advice on Cat Care Mistakes in 2024

What is the recommended frequency of veterinary care for cats, and why is it important?

Healthy adult cats should see the vet at least annually. Kittens, older cats, and those with existing health conditions might need more regular visits. Routine vet appointments are essential for the early identification and handling of health issues, especially since cats typically conceal signs of illness. During these check-ups, cats can receive necessary vaccinations and parasite prevention and engage in essential conversations regarding their diet, behavior, and wellbeing. Consistent veterinary attention is crucial to a cat’s prolonged, healthy life, with preventive care playing a significant role in addressing potential health issues.

Why should cats be microchipped and spayed or neutered?

Microchipping and spaying or neutering cats are critical steps in responsible pet ownership. Microchipping offers a reliable way to reunite lost cats with their owners. It’s a simple, safe procedure that implants a tiny chip with a unique ID code, ensuring that cats can be identified if they wander off or get lost. Spaying or neutering, on the other hand, contributes to better health and behavior. It reduces the risk of certain cancers, curbs overpopulation, and can prevent undesirable behaviors like marking and roaming. These procedures are essential for a cat’s long-term health and wellbeing and help reduce the number of homeless animals.

What common signs of cat sickness should owners watch for?

Cat owners should be vigilant for signs of illness, as cats often hide discomfort. Common indicators include changes in appetite or water consumption, either increased or decreased. Weight loss or gain, vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation are red flags. Behavioral changes, such as increased hiding, reduced grooming, lethargy, or altered interaction with family members, can signal distress. Other signs include coughing, sneezing, difficulty breathing, or changes in urination habits. Unusual vocalization, restlessness, or aggression can also indicate a problem. Quickly recognizing these signs and seeking a veterinarian’s advice can result in early detection and intervention, which is essential for maintaining your cat’s health.

What toys and furniture can help keep a cat entertained and happy indoors?

A range of toys and furniture are effective in keeping indoor cats engaged and content. Toys like laser pointers, feather wands, and automated mice satisfy a cat’s instinctual desire to hunt. Puzzle feeders not only entertain but also promote slower eating habits. Scratching posts and pads fulfill their need to scratch while safeguarding your furniture. Vertical spaces such as cat trees and shelves are crucial for climbing and observing, stimulating a cat’s mind. Comfortable beds and secluded spots offer a sense of safety and comfort. Regularly changing toys helps maintain your cat’s curiosity and wards off boredom.

What role does an animal clinic play in supporting a cat’s health and care needs?

An animal clinic is vital in maintaining and supporting a cat’s health and wellbeing. It provides various services, including routine check-ups, vaccinations, and preventive care to prevent common diseases. Clinics also offer diagnostic services like blood tests and imaging to detect health issues early. Spaying/neutering, dental care, and emergency services are vital components. Additionally, veterinarians offer valuable guidance on nutrition, behavior, and general care tailored to each cat’s life stage and health status. Cat owners who partner with a trusted clinic ensure their pets receive comprehensive care.

Please contact us, your Springdale, ON animal clinic, for all of your pet’s veterinary care needs. We’re here to help!