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Train Your Dog Month

January 1, 2023

Did you know that January is National Train Your Dog Month? If your canine pal hasn’t finished his petucation yet, you have your work cut out for you! A local Brampton, ON vet offers some advice on training Fido in this article.

Start With The Basics 

Did you know that Fido can learn over 100 different commands? Don’t worry, though: you don’t have to go that far.  The most important commands to teach your four-legged friend are Sit, Stay, Come, Heel, and Lay Down. The commands for Down, Leave It, and Drop It are also very handy. Work on these first, focusing on one at a time. (Tip: you may find it easiest to start with Sit.) For more specific guidance, especially if you have a new puppy, check out our article on 6 Things To Teach Your Puppy This Year.

Be Consistent

Consistency is key when it comes to training our canine companions. Always use the same words and phrasing. Dogs don’t know that Sit means the same thing as Sit down right now!

Make It Fun

Did you know that many dogs enjoy learning new things? The key is to make sure Fido forms a positive opinion about his lessons. Rewards will go a long way there. Offer lots of praise and treats when he does something correctly. Your mood also plays a role. Don’t work with your pooch when you are feeling grumpy or withdrawn: your fuzzy student will soon pick up on your mood, and may become wary of learning.

Time It Right

Your furry friend’s energy level will definitely affect how training classes go. You want Fido to be awake and alert, but not so full of energy that he won’t stay still. Make sure your pooch has had his meal, walk, and nap before school starts.

Don’t Overdo It  

Dogs have pretty short attention spans … except perhaps when there’s bacon involved. Fido may get bored if his class drags on for too long. Work with your canine buddy for 15-20 minutes at a time.

Have Fun

Don’t think of training Fido as a chore. It’s a great chance to spend time with your cute pet. Plus, once your furry pal has mastered the basics, you can show him some cute tricks, like Shake or Roll Over. These classics just never stop being adorable!

Happy New Year from all of us here at your Brampton, ON pet hospital. We look forward to providing top notch care in 2023 and for many years to come! If you’re struggling with your dog’s training or behavior, don’t hesitate to explore our veterinary behavior counseling services. Our experts can provide personalized advice to help you and your furry friend succeed in your training journey.