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Teaching Your Cat Not To Bite

May 15, 2019

Does your feline buddy sometimes bite your fingers? Cats are full of interesting and adorable quirks. However, their habit of occasionally chomping on their humans is definitely not one of the cuter ones. Although with many things cats train their humans, rather than it being the other way around, this is one area where you can teach Fluffy some petiquette. Read on as a Brampton, ON vet discusses teaching your kitty not to bite.

Just Say No

While no one is sure exactly how much language kitties can understand, it’s safe to say they can learn certain words and phrases. When Fluffy bites you, say ‘No’ in a firm, disapproving tone. You can also say ‘Don’t bite’ or ‘Play nice’ or ‘Put your claws away.’ Just use the same phrase every time.

Ignorance Is Bliss

When Fluffy bites you in the middle of a play session, or while you are petting her, immediately walk away and ignore her. Don’t pay any attention to her until she decides to play nice.

Teaching Tools

If you’re having a hard time getting your point across, blow in Fluffy’s face, or squirt her with water. This won’t hurt your furball, but it will annoy her. This may be enough to deter her.

Offer Suitable Toys

When playing with Fluffy, use toys that you can control from a distance, such as wand toys, remote controlled toys, and laser pointers. This will teach your kitty to take out her aggression on a safe, suitable outlet … instead of on your fingers.

Kitten Parenting

Baby cats are notorious for biting and scratching playfully. Little Fluffy is very interested in figuring out how all those claws and teeth work. This is cute now, but it won’t be cute down the road. Nip that bad habit in the bud!

Rough Play Vs Aggression

There’s a huge difference between Fluffy biting playfully or affectionately, and her truly attacking you. If your kitty is angry, she may flatten her ears, lash her tail, and/or hiss or growl. If this happens, your best short-term solution is to simply walk away and leave your feisty furball alone for a while. However, if your pet often attacks, you’ll need to address the issue. These behaviors could be signs of underlying stress. Learn more about recognizing and managing Stress In Cats. Ask your vet or a cat behaviorist for advice.

Please reach out to us, your Brampton, ON vet clinic, anytime. We are here to help! If you’re struggling with your cat’s biting behavior, consider our veterinary behavior counseling services to address these issues and improve your feline friend’s overall well-being.