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Cute Ways To Spoil Your Kitty On National Cat Day

October 15, 2019

National Cat Day is coming up October 29th! Of course, if you were to ask Fluffy, she would probably insist that every day should be National Cat Day. We like seeing kitties spoiled every day, but this is a great time to go above and beyond. For more ideas on how to make this day special, check out our article on Spoil Fluffy on National Cat Day. Here, a Brampton, ON vet offers tips on celebrating National Cat Day.


Toys are bound to please your feline friend. Fluffy is a hunter by nature, so pouncing, jumping, and batting things around are all instinctive behaviors for her. You can offer your furball a classic cat toy, like a catnip mouse, or give her something new, like an automated laser pointer. Of course, some kitties just want to play with crumpled up pieces of paper. There’s no accounting for taste!


Most of our furry patients share an affection for treats. Hey, we like snacks, too! Offer your kitty something special, like a can of plain tuna in water. Fluffy may also enjoy some sodium-free broth, or plain, cooked chicken or fish, without the skin, bones, or fat. While treats are great for special occasions, it’s important to maintain a balanced diet. For guidance on your cat’s nutritional needs, consider our vet nutrition and weight management services.

New Bed

Our feline buddies certainly do take their beauty rest seriously! Offer Fluffy some comfy beds to curl up in. Store-bought beds are fine, but you can also go the DIY route by putting a soft, folded blanket in a box or wicker basket.

Cardboard Boxes

We may never entirely understand Fluffy’s box obsession: we just know it’s adorable. Offer your kitty a new cardboard box!


Giving your frisky furball catnip may be just as fun for you as it is for her. Cats are hilarious when they are feeling the effects of their favorite plant!


Kitties generally aren’t too shy about using our beds, sofas, and chairs, but they really enjoy having things that were made just for them. Buy or make your furry friend a piece of cat furniture, like a cat tower or pet tent.


At the end of the day, cats are happiest when they feel pampered. Take time to play with your feline pal! After a fun round of Catch The Wand Toy, Fluffy will likely be feeling relaxed and ready for some cuddles.

Do you have questions about your pet’s health or care? Is Fluffy due for an exam? Please reach out to us, your Brampton, ON vet clinic, anytime. We’re here to help!