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Responsible Kitty Ownership

May 15, 2023

It’s probably safe to say that one of the best things about having a kitty is the fact that they are so independent. Fluffy doesn’t need to be walked or bathed, and as far as training goes, she only requires minimal guidance to learn good petiquette. However, your furry little friend does need proper care! A Brampton, ON vet discusses responsible kitty care below.

Proper Nutrition

Good pet care really starts with good nutrition. You don’t have to spend a fortune on cat food, but you do need to make sure that Fluffy is getting the nourishment her body needs. Your furball’s dietary needs will change over time. Her menu may also need to be adjusted based on her health and lifestyle. Ask your vet for recommendations. For personalized advice on your cat’s diet and weight, consider our vet nutrition and weight management service to ensure your feline friend maintains optimal health.

Keep Kitty In

Fluffy may enjoy playing outdoors, but letting her go out greatly increases the chances of her being hurt, lost, stolen, or even killed. Cars, weather, toxins, wild and stray animals all pose serious threats to a meowing little adventurer!


Our feline pals are clearly very, very fond of sleeping. However, they still need entertainment and enrichment. Provide your feline buddy with toys, and play with her regularly. You can also offer her cat furniture to climb and play on. Kitties also appreciate having comfy spots where they can relax and look outdoors. If you leave Fluffy home alone while you go to work, turn a TV or radio on for her.

Veterinary Care

Fluffy would probably prefer to stay home and take a nap, rather than come visit us. However, it’s important to keep her up to date on preventative care, and also just monitor her overall health. Most adult cats should come in once a year, but some kitties may need more or less frequent visits. Follow your vet’s advice.


Kitties are very fun and playful, which is why they’re such entertaining pets. However, Fluffy doesn’t know what is and isn’t safe for her. (Actually, cats often seem to be drawn to the things that aren’t safe, though that’s another topic.) Doing some basic petproofing can help prevent accidents and injuries.


Last but not least, keep that motor going! Pay attention to Fluffy every day, and make sure she feels loved and safe. Cats need love to truly thrive! If you’re looking for ways to improve your cat’s life, check out our article on New Year’s Resolutions for Cats for some fun and practical ideas to enhance your feline friend’s well-being throughout the year.

As your Brampton, ON animal hospital, we’re here to help! Contact us anytime!