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Holiday Gifts for Frisky Dogs

December 15, 2018

With the holidays just around the corner, many people are starting to look for the perfect gifts for their loved ones. Don’t forget about Fido! If your pooch is a lively, energetic pup, read on. A local Brampton, ON vet lists some great gifts for playful dogs in this article.

Subscription Boxes

Does Fido destroy his doggy toys faster than you can replace them? Sign your four-legged buddy up for a monthly subscription box. Every month, your frisky pet will get a new box of goodies in the mail!

Automated Laser Pointer

Some of our canine buddies never tire of trying to catch that pesky red dot! Get your pup an automated laser pointer. This is a great way to keep Fido active and entertained.

Mechanical Ball Launcher

Chasing balls is one of Fido’s favorite things ever. If it were up to your pooch, you may very well spend a huge chunk of each day just throwing balls for him to chase. That probably isn’t feasible for most people, so consider getting your pup a mechanical ball launcher instead.

Remote Dog Toy

Did you know you can play with Fido remotely? There are now devices that let you control a laser pointer from your smartphone. You can watch your canine friend’s antics through a camera link. This can be a cute way to amuse yourself on your lunch break!


Make sure that Fido has lots of fun toys to play with. Just be sure to choose things that are the right size for your four-legged friend. Dogs can hurt themselves on toys that are too big or too small!

Doggy Daycare

Do you often come home to find that your dog is full of energy and wants to run and play, while you’re just ready to relax? Doggy daycare may be a great option for Fido! He’ll spend the day running and playing with his buddies. By the time you pick your furry pal up, he’ll probably be ready for naps and cuddles.

Water Bottle

Consider getting your pooch a doggy water bottle with an attached bowl. This is great for when you want to take your adorable pet hiking or to the doggy park. Speaking of dog parks, if you’re planning a visit, you might find our article on Taking Fido To The Dog Park helpful for making the most of your outing.

Happy Holidays! Please reach out to us, your local Brampton, ON vet clinic, for all of your canine companion’s veterinary care needs. We are always happy to help! Before embarking on new adventures with your energetic pup, consider our veterinary wellness and pet vaccinations service to ensure Fido is healthy and protected for all his fun activities.