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Fall Care for Senior Cats

October 1, 2020

As autumn comes along, many people are sadly stashing their summer things away and pulling winter things out of storage. If you have a kitty, you’ll also want to make sure that your feline pal is ready for the cold. A local Brampton, ON vet discusses fall care for cats in this article.


Your fuzzy friend may shed more than usual as she puts on her winter clothes. You may want to brush Fluffy regularly as she is going through this wardrobe change. You’ll have less fur to deal with, as you’ll be capturing all that dead hair with a brush before your cat swallows it. This also helps reduce hairballs. Plus, this is also a great way to spend time with your kitty, and make her feel loved.

Keeping Kitty In

We always recommend keeping kitties indoors. Cats that go outside are at risk from dangers posed by things like weather, traffic, wild animals, chemicals, and seasonal foliage. If you do let Fluffy out, make sure she has an emergency shelter, in case she gets caught in bad weather. A storage tote with a hole cut in the side will do nicely.


Cats somehow manage to sleep even more than usual when it’s cold and dreary outside. Make sure Fluffy has lots of warm, comfy spots to curl up in. You’ll get bonus purrs for putting some of your pet’s beds in sunbeams.


Don’t let Fluffy become a complete couch potato! Play with your feline friend regularly. This will help keep her fit and stop her from getting bored. (Plus, it’s adorable.)


Keep your kitty’s safety in mind as you decorate for Halloween and Thanksgiving. Our furry buddies are very playful, but they don’t necessarily know (or care) what is and isn’t safe for them. Candles, plastic bags, garlands, candy and candy wrappers, and anything small or sharp should be kept well out of paw’s reach!


Rainy autumn afternoons are perfect for snuggling up with a purring cat, a cup of tea or coffee, and a good book or movie. Kitties make great cuddle buddies! Fluffy is also pretty a good lap warmer and sleep aid. Enjoy some down time with your furry little friend.

Our Advice on Fall Care for Senior Cats in 2024

Are there any specific dietary changes or supplements that should be considered for senior cats during the fall?

During the fall, senior cats may benefit from dietary adjustments and supplements to support their health. Consider providing a high-quality, senior-specific cat food that includes essential nutrients for joint health and mobility, such as glucosamine and chondroitin. Omega-3 fatty acids from fish oil can help maintain a healthy coat and reduce inflammation. Increased indoor time might lead to less activity, so monitor caloric intake to prevent weight gain. Consulting with a veterinarian ensures any dietary changes or supplements are tailored to meet the specific needs of an aging feline.

How can owners ensure that their senior cat is staying adequately hydrated during the fall?

Ensuring a senior cat stays adequately hydrated during the fall involves several strategies. Provide multiple fresh water sources throughout the home, and consider using cat fountains to encourage drinking. Wet cat food can significantly increase fluid intake compared to dry kibble. Adding a bit of water or low-sodium broth to meals can also help. Monitor for signs of dehydration, such as decreased skin elasticity or dry gums. Regularly check and clean water bowls to ensure they are appealing. These steps can help maintain proper hydration for senior cats as the weather cools.

Are there any specific grooming or hygiene needs that senior cats may require during the fall?

During the fall, senior cats may require additional grooming and hygiene care to maintain their health. Regular brushing helps manage increased shedding and prevents matting, reducing the risk of hairballs. Pay attention to areas prone to tangles, like the belly and underarms. Senior cats might struggle with self-grooming, so assist with cleaning around the eyes, ears, and rear. Monitor for any skin issues or parasites that may become more problematic with the changing weather. Providing extra warmth through clean, cozy bedding also supports their overall well-being during the cooler months.

Are there any common health issues that senior cats are more prone to developing during the fall?

During the fall, senior cats are more prone to certain health issues due to cooler weather and decreased activity. Arthritis and joint stiffness can worsen, making mobility difficult. Respiratory issues may also become more prevalent, especially in drafty or cold environments. Weight gain is a concern if cats become less active indoors. Additionally, senior cats may experience a weakened immune system, making them more susceptible to infections. Regular veterinary check-ups, a warm environment, and maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine can help mitigate these seasonal health challenges.

What are the signs that a senior cat may be experiencing seasonal allergies or sensitivities, and what can owners do to help alleviate their symptoms?

Signs that a senior cat may be experiencing seasonal allergies or sensitivities include excessive scratching, grooming, or skin redness. Sneezing, coughing, and watery eyes are also common symptoms. Owners can help alleviate these symptoms by keeping the home clean and free of allergens such as dust and pollen. Using hypoallergenic bedding and air purifiers can also reduce exposure. Regularly brushing the cat and bathing with a veterinarian-recommended hypoallergenic shampoo can help manage skin irritation. Consulting a veterinarian for appropriate medications or treatments can further ease the cat’s discomfort.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if ever we can be of assistance. As your Brampton, ON vet clinic, we’re here to help!