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Clear The Shelters Month: Bringing Your Shelter Dog Home

August 1, 2023

August is Clear The Shelters Month. We always love seeing homeless pups find loving homes, and thrive with love and care. Of course, going to a new home is a big deal for our canine companions. A Brampton, ON vet offers some advice on letting your furry friend get settled in this article.

Take A Walk

Before bringing your furry pal inside for the first time, take him for a walk around the block. This serves a few purposes, aside from sanitation. For one thing, it will give Fido a chance to get a feel for the lay of the land, and get his bearings. It also gives him time to reset a little bit, and process the change.

Provide Comfy Spots

Depending on your home and setup, you may want to put your canine friend in a quiet back room at first. This will give him a safe spot where he can relax and settle in. Put a baby gate at the door, so he can still see and hear you, and won’t feel lonely. You’ll want to visit frequently, and let him explore his new home bit by bit. For more ideas on creating a comfortable space for your new pet, check out our guide on Setting Up Fido’s Doghouse.

Keep It Pawsitive

Going to a new place can be very scary for Fido. It’s important to help him feel safe and loved in his new home. Offering small luxuries, like high-value treats and some fun toys, can go a long way here. Also, talk to your new canine buddy often, using a friendly tone of voice.

Expect The Unexpected

Most shelters do a decent job of evaluating dogs’ personalities. However, they’re usually focused on determining what type of home will be best for Fido. Your pooch may have been through some bad experiences, and he could have some specific phobias or triggers you don’t know about. Be diligent about petproofing! Also, when walking your furry buddy, keep a good grip on his leash. If you notice any concerning behaviors, consider seeking veterinary behavior counseling to help your new pet adjust.

Let Love Grow

Keep the 3/3/3/ rule in mind. It will take Fido three days to stop feeling nervous, three weeks to get a feel for his new home, and three weeks to really settle in. Be patient, and don’t give up. Those tail wags and happy dances will be well worth it!

Have you recently adopted a shelter dog? Contact us, your Brampton, ON pet hospital, for all of Fido’s veterinary care needs.