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Caring For Your Dog’s Eyes

August 15, 2021

Blind Dog Day is August 23rd! Dogs can be afflicted with vision issues, just as people can. You’ll need to keep a close ‘eye’ on Fido’s peepers! Read on as a Brampton, ON vet offers some tips on caring for your dog’s eyes.

Eye Level

Take a look around your home, and check what is at Fido’s eye level. Trim back any sharp hedges or branches that are poking out at a height that make them potential hazards. Take extra care with this if your pet is brachycephalic. These pups often have bulging ‘bug’ eyes. This look is adorable, but unfortunately comes with a high risk of eye injuries.

Tear Stains

Tear stains are most common in small dogs and pups that have a lot of fur near their eyes. Shorter pooches are particularly prone to them. This makes sense, as these guys often get dust and debris in their eyes, just because they’re so close to the ground. Tear stains not only look unsightly, they’re also unhygienic, as they can make Fido’s fur quite gunky. If your pooch gets them, gently clean his face to remove them. Use a soft, clean cloth or cotton pad, and warm water or a product specifically formulated for tear stains.


Just like people, dogs sometimes experience a decline in their vision as they grow older. If this happens to Fido, take some precautions to make your home safe and comfy for him. One thing you can do is set out runners to help your canine pal find his way around. Also, try not to rearrange things or leave things out where your pet may trip over them. If you’re looking for tips on caring for visually impaired cats, check out our Blind Cat Care Tips article. Your vet can give you more specific advice.

Eye Care

No matter how old Fido is, it’s important for you to watch for visible signs of issues. Some of these include clouding, heavy blinking, tripping, and trouble seeing at night. Contact your vet right away if you notice anything unusual. For professional advice and services, including wellness exams and vaccinations, visit our Veterinary Wellness and Pet Vaccinations page.

Car Rides

We know, many of our canine patients love to ride around with their heads out the window. This may be fun for Fido, but it’s also quite dangerous. Your pooch could get bugs, dust, or even pebbles in his eyes. That can cause serious issues! Keep your dog crated for travel instead.

As your Brampton, ON animal clinic, we’re dedicated to offering excellent veterinary care. Contact us anytime!