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Bonding With Your New Dog

May 1, 2023

Are you adopting a new pooch? Congratulations! Gotcha Day is a huge deal for both you and your canine pal. However, going to a new home can be stressful for Fido. You’ll want to take some steps to help him feel safe and secure in his new home, and start that lifelong friendship out on the right foot … or paw. A local Brampton, ON Brampton, ON vet offers some information on bonding with your new furry friend in this article.

Take A Walk

Before bringing Fido inside take him for a walk around the block. This will help for a few reasons. For one, it will let him work off any nervous energy. He’ll also be more comfortable after he’s gotten the lay of the land and has an idea of what his surroundings are. Finally, it gives him time to process what’s going on.

Go Slow

Dogs are extremely loving and loyal, but that devotion must be earned. Be very gentle when petting Fido. Talk to him in a friendly tone, but don’t force attention on him. It’s also best not to hug him: hugs are actually a sign of dominance in doggy language. If he seems nervous, don’t force things. If your new dog is showing signs of anxiety or having trouble adjusting, consider our veterinary behavior counseling service for professional guidance on helping your pet feel comfortable and secure in his new home.


We don’t usually advocate for spoiling pups, but yummy snacks are absolutely wonderful for bonding. The way to Fido’s heart may very well be through his stomach! Use small treats, so you don’t overfeed him.


Our canine companions tend to thrive when kept on a steady schedule. Keep the pooch on a set routine for things like walks, meals, and playtime. It’s also important to be consistent with house rules. If you don’t want Fido on the couch, lay down the law on day one.

Consistency is important for discipline as well. Don’t punish your four-legged friend for mishaps. A vocal reprimand is often all that’s needed. Be sure to use the same words or phrases each time! Aside from that, just focus on rewarding good behavior. Ask your vet for more information.

Make It Fun

Man’s Best Friend is a wonderful and faithful companion. However, you’ll need to put time into building that relationship. Take time to walk, pet, and play with Fido daily. Don’t skimp on those ear scritches, either! If you’re looking for fun activities to do together, check out our article on 7 Things to Do With Your Dog for some great ideas to strengthen your bond and keep your furry friend happy and engaged.

Do you have questions about your dog’s health or care? Contact us, your Brampton, ON animal clinic, today!