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And Meow, A Word On Senior Cats

September 1, 2023

Is your kitty aged 11 or older? If so, you officially have a furry retiree on your hands (or on your lap). Fluffy may still be a kitten at heart, of course. An eleven-year-old kitty may still have plenty of years of pouncing and purrs ahead of her. However, your feline buddy will start to slow down over the next few years, and may benefit from a little extra—or sometimes, just different—TLC. A local Brampton, ON vet discusses senior cats below.

How To Keep A Senior Cat Happy

The first step in keeping Fluffy happy? Keeping her healthy! Just like any other furball, Fluffy will need good food, fresh water, a clean litterbox, and proper veterinary care. Your kitty may need to come in a bit more in her senior years, so her health can be more closely monitored. In between visits, keep a close eye out for signs of illness, and make an appointment right away if you notice anything unusual. We’d also recommend offering a great senior-formula kitty food. Ask your vet for more information.

Grooming A Senior Cat

It’s not uncommon for senior kitties to look a bit unkempt. This is because our feline friends tend to get stiff and sore in their golden years. That makes it hard for them to clean themselves. Gently brushing Fluffy will help get that dead fur and dander out of her coat. This will not only help her look and feel good, it can also help prevent—or at least reduce—hairballs. 

Playing With A Senior Cat

Your furry pal will still enjoy and benefit from playing. Running, pouncing, and jumping all help her stay fit physically. Plus, that mental stimulation will be good for her mind, and may help ward off cognitive decline. Take a few minutes a day to hold a laser pointer or wand toy for Fluffy. 

Making Your Home Senior Cat-Friendly

Small steps can make a big difference as far as making your home safe and comfortable for Fluffy. Pet stairs or footstools can help her get on and off beds and couches, while a nightlight can help her get around after dark. Your feline pal may also appreciate a senior-friendly litterbox. Last but not least? Pay lots of attention to your cat, and make sure she feels loved. Purrs from older kitties are truly precious!

Do you need to make an appointment for your senior cat? Contact us, your local Brampton, ON pet hospital today!